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I am delighted that you made it to my website. "WELCOME". I am Dr. Dahlia Mostafa, Pres. & CEO of the Canadian Life Transformation Academy. I am an Award-Winning Professional Certified Master Life Coach, Mental Health, Marriage, Youth & Family Mentor. I am a Certified Trainer, a TEDx Speaker, a Leadership Consultant, a Ph.D. Fellow, an Author, and an International Lecturer. I am a Humanitarian and a Philanthropist With 25 Years of Executive Leadership & 57 International Awards including two Royal Medals from Queen Elizabeth II. People view me as a Source of Inspiration & Motivation and this is how I was named The Woman of Inspiration across Canada, by One Woman Foundation, in 2017, 2018 and 2019. I am Dedicated to awaken souls around the globe; Gifted to touch the life of others, Empower their mind, Rejuvenate their soul, and help them Achieve their goals. I traveled the world, succeeded to build bridges across different cultures, embraced humanity and charity and became a voice of change and empowerment for so many around the globe. I am fluent in English, French & Arabic. I regularly appear on Television & Podcasts and I am actively engaged with more than Half a Million Facebook Fans following my writings and inspirational Radio & Video Shows. I love to smile, live in joy, harmony & inner peace, practicing gratitude and rejoicing in blessings. My life has been a journey of wonderful miracles & beautiful dreams coming true towards a path full of success. And I would love to share with YOU the skills and secrets for such a warm cozy loving fulfilling way of living...
take control of
Each one of us has got his own personal set of core values and beliefs. In order to master our life and have it under control, we first need to know who we are. We need to familiarize our self with "Our True Essence". We need to discover "What our core values are? what matters to us the most? What Beliefs did we acquire throughout the years". Once, this clarity begins to unfold, we start looking at our life from a higher perspective, through different lenses at different angles. We start a deep inner soul journey to explore what's beneath the surface, then we move forward to embrace who we are, Just Because "Who We Are Is Always Enough, Whole, and Complete". And then, we keep going further down the path to expand our horizon, stretch our limit, keep what serves and strengthens us and get rid of what is limiting us. It's a healing journey towards comfort, inner peace, empowerement, based on wisdom, forgiveness and enormous resources within each one of us.
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Your Greatest Self.
We Live Only Once In A Life Time...Know Who You Are, Where You Are, Why You Are There, And Who Are You Becoming Just The Way You Are...Look Down The Road In A Year Or Two Or Five...And See Where Your Present Life Is Taking You...Don't Let The Time Escape From You...Be A Life Lover, A Joy Seeker, Be Someone You Are Happy To Live With....Happiness Initiates From Within....The Old Saying Was Wrong "Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win"...This Is So Wrong... Winners Are Those Who Know When and How To Quit...And The Faster They Quit Things That Don't Bring Them Joy and Fulfillment, The Higher Chance They Have In Finding & Creating Pleasure In Other Things...Life Is A Wide Ocean...Break The Fear From The Unknown...Break The Fear From Upsetting Others, The Fear of Failure, the Fear of Day Dreaming, the Fear Of Success...And JUMP In The Ocean...SAIL....BREEZE...EMBRACE NEW Dimensions...Reach Out For NEW HORIZONS...IGNITE Your Passion & ALIGN Your DESIRE With Your INTUITION & Start Taking ACTIONS To Reach Your DESTINATION...And Remember Life Is All About A JOURNEY You ENJOY Not Just A Destination That You Reach.
Don't Freeze Yourself Thinking What Others Might Be Thinking...Don't Live Your Life Captured In Beliefs Others Have Set For You...
Be The Maestro of Your Own Life Symphony To Easily Make It Through...
Go Beyond Limiting Obstacles...
Smash... Down Rotten Beliefs...
Tear Down Walls of Judgements...
LIBERATE YOURSELF & Take Back Your Life...

Awakening Souls for Aspiring Goals.

stop talking
Life Has Taught Me That Every Day, I Have Got The Opportunity To Love People Around Me, Hate Them, Or Just Be Neutral And I Chose To LOVE THEM...I Realized That Loving Is So Peaceful...It Is Comforting, Soothing & Relaxing...It Radiates Inner Peace From Within Ourselves To Bloom Our Life...I Am Glad That Throughout The Years, Life Has Also Taught Me That People Have Got Two Sides, a Good Side And a Bad Side, a Past And a Future And I Must EMBRACE BOTH In The People I Love. Everyone Of Us Is The Way He/She Is As A Result Of So Many Things They Have Lived Through Throughout Their Years...We Have Got To Forget, Forgive, Let Go, Move Forward And Learn How To Give New Chances...We Have Got To Learn Ways To Focus On Both Short & Long Term Planning...We Have Got To Acquire New Techniques, Resolve Conflicts, Rebuild Trust, Cope With Stress...And We Have Got To Learn New Ways For Time Management, Setting Priorities & Persevering Down The Road....We Have Got To Have Enough High Quality Time To Spend With Ourselves & Our Beloved Ones, To Reflect On Our Inner Sides, On Our Thoughts, On Our Values, Beliefs & Behaviour...We Have Got To Use Our Mind As A Candle To Enlighten Our Soul Instead Of Letting Our Mind Use Us To Burry Our Soul Under Tons Of Negative Endless Burdens...And Yes, WE CAN...We Have Always Got The Power To S.T.A.N.D. U.P, C.H.A.N.G.E., And S.U.C.C.E.E.D. And In Order To Do So, We Just Need To Roll & Roll & Roll Into Action Modes...It's Time To Design The Life We Want & Start Living It Instead of Passing Our Life Time Just Talking & Talking & Talking About It...Actions Talks Louder Than Words...Don't You Agree With Me? :)
Beloved Dahlia...Love radiates through you and has touched my heart and no doubt many more. Your warmth provides a safe harbour and your wisdom guides all through rough waters. You are LOVE, you are a WARRIOR, you are a GUIDE & a MAGNIFICENT SOUL...
Catherine Hickey
Dahlia...The sound of your name is music to the ear, the vision of your smiling face is a symbol of all that is good, kind, caring, and what good looks like in the world. Your presence brings joy to all you encounter...The innocence of a child, the wisdom of an old soul, the giving & caring spirit of Source, the courage of one who knows no fear, the curiosity and can-do attitude, all of this truly make you a role model for mankind. May your life be blessed with all that is wonderful. May your future children know that you are Love & that you are Loved by many & how lucky they will be. Love & Light...
Joan Clark
My Dear Dahlia...The world is a better place having you in it, You are a gift and a radiant light. I feel so blessed to have worked with you through Soul Coaching. Your clients are held safe in a sacred space. I wish you love, joy, and abundance in every aspect of your life. Much love...
Elaine Floriolli
Dear Dahlia...Your spirit is so gentle & sweet. You are wise beyond years. You have a beautiful voice that is so relaxing. May love and divine light follow you always. Love & Light..
Kathy Bucholska
Dahlia...Your sweet, powerful essence & incredible wisdom deeply touches my core and soul. Knowing you allowed me to explore my greatest potential and unleash the leader inside of me. Thank you for holding my space sacred. You touch my heart with your beauty...
Stephanie Johnson